“Pure Genes”
This is what went down on Fox News this morning, according to Salon.com:
[Co-Host] Kilmeade and two colleagues were discussing a study that, based on research done in Finland and Sweden, showed people who stay married are less likely to suffer from Alzheimer’s.
And this is what Kilmeade (the brown-haired guy) managed to say about that study:
I am getting a strange Déjà-vu to 1933, when another dark-haired guy was talking about the need to have a “pure society”.
Also, I don’t even understand how he can get from A to B on this one. According to Salon, the study refers to people who stay married, not implying any racial or ethnic conclusions at all.
But luckily, Kilmeade is so stupid pure he can’t even coherently insult people – what the hell does “marrying other species” mean? Does he have an ape girlfriend at home? Maybe they can do a sequel on that for tomorrow morning.
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