Superpowers got a Bad Reputation
So I was just watching a repeat of the Colbert Report on television today. Will Smith was there, promoting his new Movie Hancock. The story is a little lame. It’s fun at the beginning but gets really pathetic at the end. As you might expect from Will Smith it’s kind of a failure, even for a summer movie. So I can tell you what it’s about without even spoiling a great movie experience. And yes, I have to admit that I’ve seen it.
It’s basically the story of a desperate superhero indulging in alcoholic beverages. So this guy hates his job – but keeps doing it anyway – to the point that the people of Los Angeles wish him to New York City because he usually leaves a big mess every time he’s on a mission. Finally he meets this publicist played by Jason Bateman who wants to help him gain popularity by (among other things) talking him into voluntarily going to jail .
So much for the neat idea and fun part of the movie. I’ll leave out the part in which they find out that the publicist’s wife is actually also a superhero and they both get mortal because of their physical closeness and all that crap.
So the reason for this blog entry is the funny but plausible question that Colbert poses:
The movie is opening shortly before the 4th of July. Is this possibly a metaphor for the USA using their superpowers but messing up so everyone gets mad at them?
Good point! Will Smith wouldn’t approve, though… what a sissy!
Both Mr. Smith and the American government should probably sit down with Joan Jett and take on a little of her attitude – or better yet: do a good job!
(This goes for both summer movies and foreign policy.)
By Semir (double post)
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